
9F.-4, No.270, Zhongming S. Rd., West Dist., Taichung City 403, Taiwan

Trademark fee schedule


Trademark fee schedule

Fees payable for trademark registration and other applications related to trademarks are prescribed below: (§11, Trademark Act)

For a trademark or collective trademark, the fees for a multi-class application is the sum of the total amounts due from the classes proposed to be registered The fee for each class is calculated based on the fee schedule for single-class application. 
For example: When Party A files an application for registration of a trademark for Classes 30, 32 and 40, in which Class 30 covers 18 items, Class 32 covers 22 items and Class 40 covers 62 items, a total of NT$11,000 (namely, 3000+5,000+4,000) shall be paid.

Methods of payment:
(1) Cash.
(2) Bank's sight check or promissory note.
(3) Postal draft.
(4) Postal remittance to the order of "Intellectual Property Office of the Ministry of Economic Affairs" at A/C 0012817-7, indicating reference number, applicant's name, name of the trademark, and contact telephone number (for correspondence). Postal remittance should be sent to 3F, No. 185, Hsin-Hai Road, Section 2, Ta-An District, Taipei.
(5) Credit card (2% handling fees will be additionally charged).
(6) ATM fund transfer (code of Taiwan Cooperative Bank: 006, A/C: 0877705658811).
